Will Ezra care about Sabine and say the way he feels about her? Their ensuing daring escape goes wrong, leaving Ezra in the hands of the Empire all alone. "Hey" "Hey, yourself," the Twi'lek come to stand next to the Jedi. While taking-off, Ezra was hit by laser fire and fell out of the shuttle's side door. Completed sabezra sabine hera +9 more # 4 Darth Brighter by FantasyReal4ever 25.4K 229 11 "Sabine", sliding off his bed, Ezra makes his way to the Mandalorian's side and sits on her bed before taking her hand. When Yoda asked him why Ezra should become a Jedi, he claimed it would allow him to become powerful enough to make the Empire suffer for everything it had done to him. Running on fumes, the rebels arrived at the asteroid belt of where the Guild's Gas Refinery was, but due to the field scrambling their sensors finding the facility would not be easy. But what happens if Ezra and Sabine are alone? Shortly later, the rebels encountered one of Hondo's Ugnaught crew members Melch, who had survived a failed earlier attempt to board the cargo ship. While in space, the rebels learned from Ahsoka that a similar attempt had been made to abduct children during the Clone Wars. After escaping the Temple, Ezra, and his fellow Jedi were picked up by Chopper in the Phantom and, once aboard, told them that Master Yoda had told him and asked who Malachor was. We will each be challenged. After failing to escape the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister at the abandoned Republic medical station, Ezra Bridger and his friends are captured by the Inquisitors. Without any training, the young Jedi was able to extend the airtime of speeders in flight, persuade authorities to look away from his misdeeds, and understand the feelings of animals. During the journey, Ezra wept, prompting Kanan to comfort him. Ezra's true master plan then came into play as a school of Purrgil-summoned by Mart through Ezra's guidance-destroyed the Imperial ships in orbit. Back at his hideout, Ryder explained that Ezra's parents had heard the broadcast Ezra sent out with the Ghost crew's help a while back and were inspired by it to stage a prison breakout. When Maketh Tua asked for help, Ezra was the first one to believe that they should help, since what they do is help those in need; even though she was from the Empire. He was a skilled thief, able to pickpocket someone in plain sight without being noticed. Upon arriving, Ezra and the other Jedi made their way to the Temple while Chopper stayed behind to guard the Phantom. Web. As his training progressed, Ezra experienced his first Force vision, enabling him to foresee a moment with Gall Trayvis. Introduced at age 14, the young force sensitive was lambasted for being well, a 14-year-old. Kanan can't do anything to save his Padawan from himself. Ahsoka responded by revealing that Malachor was not a person but rather a planet. Ezra is incredibly gifted with the force. Having located what appeared to be a suitable system for their base, the Ghost crew raided an Imperial depot in order to secure fuel for their carrier. Kanan then asked the Clones whether he knew about any abandoned bases and facilities that the Rebel network could use. Ezra managed to levitate the droid above the light using the Force before letting him go and allowing Zeb to catch him. Chapter 1: Mission Ezra continued to improve on his combat style after this, capable of performing acrobatic leaps and attacks. While Hera and the rest of the team departed for Lothal, Ezra, Kanan, and Sabine stayed behind. Youre a different one, odd and strange. When Zeb went to look for him, Ezra insisted that he be the one to find Azmorigan but Zeb ordered Ezra to stay behind and load the cargo. Changing their plans, Kanan ordered him to man the gun emplacement to cover him and Sabine while they secured the landing zone. With the Empire now alerted to their presence on Seelos, the rebels made preparations to leave. What if Maul blinded Ezra instead of Kanan? Having disabled the conveyor belts, Ezra ordered his team to get the Y-Wings back to the Rebellion. Having completed their mission, the rebels fled into hyperspace. Kallus planned to use him as bait in an attempt to catch the Rebels, but Ezra doubted they would come back for him. This gave Ezra a chance to escape the building with Pypey. When Ezra opined that Sabine needed more time, Fenn responded that time was not a luxury the galaxy could afford. Though he fought to the end when the Empire attacked the royal palace, Lasan was lost and most of the Lasat were killed by a nuclear bomb. However, Reklam Station had begun falling apart and the starship was knocked off by a falling crane. He also convinced a Loth-cat to attack a probe droid. The rebels soon discovered that the source of the energy reading was Klik-Klak's Nest, which hosted a transmitter and a workshop. Zeb told Hera indirectly that the youth had used a mind trick to manipulate the AT-DP pilot. What if things went differently on Malachor? Instead, he along with Kanan and Chopper were assigned to escort Sabine to the Academy and to evacuate her and the cadets when necessary. A fairy tale in space, and in every fairy tale there is a young knight who rescues the princess and gets her as the two fall in love during the dashing rescue. One of the pursuing Scout Troopers followed them but Zeb knocked him out. The Empire Transforms Him Into A Cyborg And He Starts Working For Them. The Geonosian had killed his comrades and Saw wanted to investigate whether the Geonosian knew why the Empire had exterminated the planet's population. Her father, though, insisted on destroying fighter carrier since it had been used to terrorize Ryloth and to demonstrate the Ryloth rebels' strength but agreed to support his daughter's plan after Hera pointed out that the two cells depended on each other for the mission to succeed. After besting Kanan in the duel, Sabine broke down and wept. While imprisoned aboard Kallus' Star Destroyer, the Lawbringer, Ezra was able to open the holocron he stole, allowing it to play a message from Obi-Wan Kenobi warning all Jedi who survived the Great Jedi Purge at the end of the Clone Wars about the collapse of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Empire. Later, Sato dispatched the Ghost Crew and Phoenix Squadron to Mykapo to evacuate rebel sympathizers prior to an impending Imperial crackdown. However, Alrich and Sabine soon explained that the armor was a part of their heritage they couldn't surrender. It didn't go well because the Empire was expecting it and captured Kanan. Following a brief struggle, the four rebels escaped with the medical supplies and back to the rebel fleet. Despite Zeb's orders to stay hidden, Azmorigan destroyed the Sentry Droid. . Some fans have even speculated that Ezras prolonged solitude, and the causal relationship he has with the Dark Side, could lead to the characters status as a Sith in his upcoming appearances. Ezra recognized the need to defeat him, but Kanan informed him that since Vader was a Sith, he was too strong both in the Force and in physical strength and the only reason they were still alive was because he had been playing with them during the entire fight. Saw, determined to learn the truth behind the Empire's plans, was willing to destroy the ship and leave the passengers behind. During the fighting, the Inquisitor fired several bolts with his Double-bladed spinning lightsaber; causing the ground beneath Ezra to cave in. Sabezra. Despite the dangers, Kanan argued that the people of Ibaar was counting on them and they could not give up. While Kanan encountered several spectral Jedi Temple Guards under the command of the pre-dark side Grand Inquisitor, Ezra asked Ahsoka about her recollections of Master Yoda. "What do you want me to do about it?" While Kanan, Sabine and Chopper managed to land on the bridge, Ezra miscalculated and almost fell into the gassy atmosphere below, but Kanan used the Force to pull up and reprimand his apprentice. Contents 1 Biography This news came as a shock to Kanan, who was unaware that there was more than one Inquisitor. When he and Kanan both engaged The Inquisitor, Ezra's limited skills and experience made him more of a distraction to both his master and their enemy. As planned, the Ghost crew attacked, allowing Ezra and Jai to escape using an AT-DP. Ezra also sought to discover the key to destroying the Sith. This could also explain his keen Force Sense enabling him to empathically sense Maketh Tua's fear for her life and her honesty, as well as being able to sense the Dark Side from Lothal while still in orbit. After returning to the fleet, Ezra attended a briefing with the other rebels, Iron Squadron, Rex, and the holographic form of Commander Sato. While making their way to the top of the Sith Temple, Kanan pulled Ezra aside at an opportune moment and warned his apprentice that Maul could not be trusted. During the skirmish, Tseebo briefly regained his senses, and Ezra learned from him that he tried to save his parents but was too afraid to try. Eventually, he was able to open the Sith Holocron found on that planet, something that was thought to be possible only for one who could tap into the Dark Side through Sith teachings. At Kanan's urging, Ezra stayed calmed as he used the Force to levitate the object towards them. Kanan has some unexpected help in escaping the Empire's hands. Ezra succeeded in leaving the system after Commander Sato sacrificed himself and Phoenix Nest to destroy one of Thrawn's Interdictor Cruisers, only to find that Mon Mothma couldn't send any reinforcements to their aid for fear of walking into Thrawn's trap. Together, the rebels made their way inside the prison and found Hondo's cell. But Hera didn't believe them; Purrgil endangered hyperspace travel by colliding into starships. A new d. To save his friend, Hondo quietly sealed a few doors, cutting many of the Stormtroopers off from Ezra as he tried holding them back with his lightsaber blaster. What happens when things start to go wrong? Kanan can't do anything to save his Padawan from himself. During the ensuing skirmish, Ezra used his cannon to knock out one of the other gun and drive away the other guards, enabling Hera and Zeb to land the Ghost onto the landing platform. Ezra readily slid into Hera's waiting arms as she gave them a brief update on their location and that of their allies. Upon arriving, the two Jedi were greeted by Maul who asked Ezra if he found the Sith holocron illuminating. A friend of the Bridgers, a Rodian named Tseebo, was tasked with keeping Ezra safe, but fearing for his own safety he fled and left the then seven-year-old Ezra to fend for himself. Web. He does apparently kill some troopers while he and his team are escaping, but only because it was unavoidable. Please consider turning it on! He then looks back to the man he was told died eighteen years ago, "Anakin Skywalker? With a Super Commando closing in on them, Sabine was forced to fly low and Ezra narrowly avoided hitting a rock. Forcing himself to finish waking up, Ezra sits up and looks around, spotting Sabine in the bed next to his. Meanwhile, the other rebels staged a diversionary attack in the Tulara Ravine. Watching this in awe, the rebels departed in the same direction and back to the fleet, hoping if it meant following the Purrgil again. However, Sabine pointed out that the starfighters needed to be refueled first. Since the ship could not land, grappling guns were used to fire magnetic cables onto the ship's hull. She joined Kanan and Ezra on several missions, and aided them in their stand against Maul and several Inquisitors. Upon landing atLando's farm, the rebels were immediately accosted by Azmorigan and his henchmen, who had come for retribution against Lando. there weren't really any big changes. * (Will be continued), Ch3 (A Lasat Vers2 - P1) - After hearing about a Jedi and a Lasat stealing crates from the Capital, Ezra makes it his mission to find them. Before they could return to the cargo bay, they ran into the Sentry Droid. The Jedi and the Republic never fell, Anakin didn't fall and Palpatine in dead. En route to rendezvous after the battle of Lothal, Eli, Thrawn and Ezra become shipwrecked on a deserted planet, narrowly escaping the destruction of the Chimaera. Smiling, Ezra starts making his way to the library, getting directions from the temple guards along the way. The two joined forced to rescue Ezra's master, and Ahsoka immediately recognized his potential, and grew fond of the young Jedi . He's told she may not get her memory back and there's no cure. At Kalani's direction, the battle droids fired their bolts at Ezra and Kanan, who deflected them at several proton bombs. Ezra then told Kanan and Sabine that Maul had discovered that Obi-Wan was still alive and that he was inhabiting a planet with twin suns. Sakurablossem3 and ChaoticEpicCat The following day, Ezra and the other crew members returned after Zeb contacted them to report an incident the previous night. Luckily, Hera had some good news. However, the enormous power of the Dark Side became too much for him that he collapsed. Enraged, Sidious set his Royal Guards on Ezra, who managed to defeat them using fragments of the temple. He found a possessed Kanan sitting above the altar. During their deal with the Devaronian, C-3PO, mistaking the rebels for criminals, made an emergency call to Agent Kallus, revealing the rebels' whereabouts. After falling out of his bed, Ezra alerted Hera and Kanan. His master sensed it too, but unlike Ezra, Kanan recognized the power to be the Dark Side of the Force. However, the Sato's Hammer was damaged and stranded in space. Ezra and Rex were also involved in a physical altercation with Saw. During the journey, Ezra explained that going into the wilderness would allow them to avoid the distractions at Chopper Base. Ezra also had a friendly and kind demeanor which allowed him to gain Klik-Klak's trust. how will this change the fate the force had plans for? Will Ezra embrace the Dark side and hunt down the ghost crew? Fortunately they were able to escape thanks to AP-5 and recovered him from drifting in space after halting the Controller's plans and regaining Chopper. Hearing the alarms baring on the Phantom, Ezra and Sabine immediately drop out of hyperspace only to see a giant black hole drawing them in; thinking fast, Sabine takes the ship's controls and does her best to turn it around Ezra doing his best to help with the force. After returning to Chopper Base, Ezra was present for a briefing where Hondo shared his information about an Imperial salvage yard called Reklam Station, which resided in the atmosphere of the planet Yarma, and that thousands of decommissioned Old Republic Y-Wing Starfighters were being dismantled there. Realizing that Rex was a Clone Trooper, Kalani was determined to finish the Clone Wars as a victory for the Separatist Droid Army. As the duel got more intense, Ezra wanted to intervene but Fenn held him back. Main article: Ephraim Bridger Main article: Mira Bridger Ezra loved his parents deeply. When Ezra picked up a B1 Battle Droid's head and opined that the droid did not look dangerous, Rex responded that those "clankers" killed many of his friends. Please consider turning it on! When Ezra opined that the Mandalorians were crazy, Rau joked that he was crazy enough to join them. Returning to consciousness, Ezra can feel pain all across his body. He smiled softly as Hera approached him, her hands resting on her swollen belly. Fortunately, Sabine triumphed without aid, and Saxon was killed by Ursa when he attempted to shoot Sabine in the back. After convincing Jai to escape with them, Ezra convinced his fellow rebels to stage a diversionary attack on the Academy the following day. Well never be separated, again, floating through nature with an inner peace. There, Ezra was reunited with many old friends; Sumar, his wife Marida Sumar, and Jho. After discussing their mission with Ryder and Morad, the rebels learned that the Empire had a secret project housed inside the factory's Section A2. At Thrawn's orders, Ezra pretended to apprehend Hera and followed them to Thrawn's office. Later, as the Sister interrogated the young Jedi about the rebel fleet and Ahsoka, the Brother returned with a captured Sabine. Upon returning to the Ghost, they informed Kanan, Hera, and Rex about their encounter with the two Inquisitors. "I love you too.". Later, Ezra and his fellow rebels returned to Ryloth to deliver supplies to Cham. Inspired by @PrinceJai and his book, Ezra Bridger's Training, this is his crazy adventures aboard (and not aboard) the ship. Since his Force powers had grown, Ezra was able to see Yoda this time; recognizing him as a small, green-skinned alien. Gregor offers to supply them with the information in return that the rebels participate in a hunt for Joopas. Ch1 (A Pau'an Hybrid - P1) - The Grand Inquisitor knows it is his job to eliminate force sensitives, but he didnt expect the youngling to be a Pau'an Hybrid. After visiting Malachor, Ezra began to delve more into the Dark Side, using it both to access the Malachor Sith Temple and then in combat with the Seventh Sister. Slavin then contacted Cham and offered to spare Hera and Ezra if he agreed to surrender by dawn. He was a weapon. He wanted to go home, to Lothal, to the Ghos no. Despite repairing the hyperdrive, Sabine and Chopper's efforts came to naught when Mart redirected the ship's power to its laser cannons and deflector shields. Convinced by Bossk, he accompanied the Trandoshan to Monad Outpost during Gladiator Night, where they faced Jenkes. 11 guests "All I want are some healing enzymes from your wings," he pleaded. Calvin Davis, a new member, comes to the rebellion and the Ghost Crew. Kanan then reassured Ezra that Rex was still haunted by the Clone Wars. The Fifth Brother declined to respond. After a challenging physical ordeal, the two managed to acquire the holocron. Through the engagement against the Pau'an and escape with Zeb and Sabine from the prison, both Master and Apprentice were able to work together and have a better understanding for one another. Master and Padawan Star Wars: Rebels A.U. Barris. As his training progressed, Kanan taught Ezra the technique of Taming Beasts, which they used against the Inquisitor to charge him and his troopers a pack of Fyrnocks. Anakin took Ezra under his wing treat him li. She eventually met her end at the hands Darth Vader, but not before realizing that the Sith Lord was her former master, Anakin Skywalker. Maul's partner, Nuray, understands. When he awoke, he found himself unable to breathe and tried to reach for his helmet, but it toppled into the abyss below. After his parents were taken away by the Empire, he was heartbroken. Upon arriving at the black market spaceport Nixus Hub 218, the two discovered that the buyer was Azmorigan, who was expecting Vizago instead and had them loaded into a loading dolly with the intention of firing them into space. She had lost more than one friend that way. While awaiting Chopper's return, Ezra and Kanan were confronted by a Stormtrooper Commander and his men, who noted they were outside their allocated area. During the confrontation, Ezra used his stolen Imperial comlink to alert Jenkes' superiors, while Bossk told everyone on the arena of Jenkes' actions. As a result, Ezra realized that Hondo only cared for himself. This bought the crew time to escape aboard the Ghost with Ezra and Kanan helping the injured Lasat. There, he accessed the Imperial Enforcement DataCore to check records on Herdringer, but discovered Herdringer had been dead for months, and Bossk surmised that his replacement, Jenkes, had been the one to set him up, now also aware that he and Takkaro had worked together in gladiator arena in Nyriaan years before. So, to avoid being recognized, they disguised themselves as a stormtrooper and cadet and mingled into one of the ships as Leia disembarked from it. Once airborne, Ezra along with Kanan and Chopper entered the Phantom and detached it so they head to Lothal while Hera, Sabine and Zeb stayed behind aboard the Ghost to evacuate the Phoenix Squadron off-world, even when the Liberator was almost caught in the Star Destroyer Relentless's tractor beam. Later, Ezra was assigned to infiltrate Lothal's Imperial Academy disguised as a cadet named "Dev Morgan" in order to steal a decoder containing the location of a powerful kyber crystal, with Chopper assisting him disguised as an Imperial astromech droid and Sabine and Zeb waiting outside to evacuate him once he accomplished his mission. Ezra chose Maul on Malachor, but he's still conflicted. When Sabine asked when Kanan had taught him that power, Ezra replied that he had not. He was never going home. The two were quickly bathed in a bright pink blaze of light. Ezra and Sabine told Zeb to cheer up before leaving aboard the Ghost. He was born to Ephraim and Mira Bridger, whose public criticism of the Empire led to their imprisonment, leaving Bridger an orphan on the planet Lothal as a child. At least six months have passed since the mission on Malachor, and theGhostcrew have been struggling since Kanan's constant absences from duty, for his blindness has made very detached and he has been distancing himself from both his friends and the Force ever since. Nov 21, 2022, . While Sato protested that they were members of the Corporate Alliance, Titus was not fooled and quickly recognized them both and informed Agent Kallus of his catch. Because there would no way he would do this, had he been in the right mind. The Toy Maker mused. Vader was able to destroy the squadron's command ship, Phoenix Home, forcing the crew aboard to retreat in escape pods to the remaining ships as they fled into hyperspace, but the Ghost crew managed to escape before getting caught in a waiting Star Destroyer's tractor beam. Please consider turning it on! His relationship with the crew was initially rocky, but given time Ezra found his rhythm and a place within his new family. Noticing the Sith holocron had activated, Ezra took it out of the Imperial cadet helmet he was hiding it in and held it in his hand. He then stormed the ship's bridge, with his apparent cooperation allowing the other rebels to get the city's shields up and running to prevent further bombardment. After kidnapping a droid and sending Chopper in its place, they discovered Kanan was being sent to the volcanic planet of Mustafar. Ezra and the others learned that Sabine had spoken out against the Empire for using weapons to enslave Mandalore. Throughout his childhood, Ezra would occasionally trigger "strange abilities", which allowed him to see into the future. He lost a friend, and made an enemy. While exiting the apartment block, Ezra commented that the child was welcome to visit them on Garel, unknowingly letting this comment gets picked up by the Sister's seeker droid. Our trust our faith our friendships. After landing, Maul led Ezra through the site of the battle where his Nightsisters kin had been slaughtered by the Separatists. A U-Wing Starfighter crewed by Gerrera and one of his Partisans arrived with explosives to destroy the array, and took Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper along for another mission. Using the Force, Ezra leaped towards Sabine and clung on to her. Satisfied, Kanan enlisted Kallus' help in breaching a communications station so that they could contact Ryder. Ezra's use of the Sith holocron strained relations with his master, Kanan. In the series finale of Star Wars Rebels, Jedi Ezra Bridger sacrifices everything to liberate the planet of Lothal, bringing Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Empire and his Imperial I-class Star Destroyer into deep hyperspace. Ezra and Darth Maul in Star Wars: Rebels via Disney Plus. Using the Force, the teenage Jedi mind controlled him into ordering the crew to abandon ship anyway. Once Ezra learned the true nature of his skills from Kanan, he began his training as a Jedi.